Rotary stage


Rotary stages are positioning device that can generate a rotatory movement in a machine used in several industries. A common traditional rotary stage can be utilized manually or operated by a motor; it usually comes with a rotary table that is assisted by axial and radial bearing with durability in other to hold a high capacity of weight. The rotary table is mostly driven by two pieces of worm and worm gear for positioning. There are multiple rotary stages around the world; the decision of what stage is needed to be bought is made by the designer.

A rotary stage is also considered to be a central part of a motion system that is used to limit an object to a single axis when rotating. The primary component of a rotary stage is a platform and a base, which is combined with a pilot to make the platform limited to rotation around a single axis

The use of traditional rotary stages is usually not relevant because of its weight and size, which doesn’t make it easy for movement. The use of the traditional rotary stage is found not useful when applied with the rotary swing motion. The use of the rotary swinging design is considered to be quite simple compared to the traditional designs.

Position control methods

Linear actuator

The linear actuator is used when the motor needs to move at the exact location at a small angle; the linear actuator can either be manual or motorized. The total range at which a linear actuator can move is about 10 – 20 degree. This method of motion puts its weight on a surface that is set to the platform of the stage, therefore causing the platform to rotate.

DC motor with worm drive

A DC motor doesn’t move on a set amount of increment. Instead, it moves in a continuous rotation.

Bearing types

The rotary stage requires a platform, which was previously stated above, that moves relative to its base. The bearing combines both the platform and the base. There are various types of bearings that can be used, but there are two bearings that are essential.

  1. Plain bearing

This form of bearing has two exterior rubbings off each other. The surface and the base are usually circular, which gives the stage a smooth rotation as well as fluidity in its motion. When this bearing is applied to the rotary stage is good for a good location and can be altered physically by rotating the platform.

  1. Rolling-element bearing

Ball bearing stages crossed roller stage, and other materials are needed in this form of a rotary stage. The number of rolling-element is not usually specified.

The design concept of a rotary stage

A rotary stage can be distinguished by a rotary transport that is labored by a unique design. The corresponding direction is moved by the X-axis, and it is generated by the rotary carriage and a circular rail, the rail is stabilized beneath the plate by two pieces of a cylindrical post and high inflexibility. The bottom plate is considered a part of the static composition or a part of the machine. In other for the stage to move in a circular direction, the radial rollers have to be equidistant to the Y-Z axis and also move towards the X-axis.

Rotary stage customization

  • Mounting flexibility

Features like the custom bolt-hole are considered to be a simple concept for rotary stage customization; the tops can be modified by adding surfaces of different models.

  • Workholding solutions

The part considered to be quite straining is the use of a rotary stage to secure the device to the top stage for inspection or laser marking.

  • Optimized form factor

These stages are quite compact, in its profile and footprint. It is necessary to have a good rotary stage that can fit into weird shape spaces.

  • Challenging Environment

These form of the rotary stage is strong and is sealed to function based on its environment, which could reduce the lifespan of the stage.

  • Drive options

These stages are organized using third-party motor movement, and it can be controlled the way you want.

  • Extra precision and accuracy

The stage can be precise when it is fully assembled. This process is done fir stages that are made during semiconductor manufacturing.

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